3. Create a new directory xiaomi_mi_scale in the folder addons in your Home Assistant installation and place all files in it via SSH / Samba
4. Open Home Assistant and navigate to add-on store and clock the reload button on the top right corner. Now you should see the Xiaomi Mi Scale as a local add-on
![Add-On Store](Screenshots/addon_store.png)
5. Install the add-on (takes a while as the container is built locally)
6. Edit the Configuration
Option | Type | Required | Description
--- | --- | --- | ---
HCI_DEV | string | No | Bluetooth hci device to use. Defaults to hci0
MISCALE_MAC | string | Yes | Mac address of your scale
MQTT_PREFIX | string | No | MQTT Topic Prefix. Defaults to miscale
MQTT_HOST | string | Yes | MQTT Server (defaults to
MQTT_USERNAME | string | No | Username for MQTT server (comment out if not required)
MQTT_PASSWORD | string | No | Password for MQTT (comment out if not required)
MQTT_PORT | int | No | Defaults to 1883
TIME_INTERVAL | int | No | Time in sec between each query to the scale, to allow other applications to use the Bluetooth module. Defaults to 30
Thanks to @syssi (https://gist.github.com/syssi/4108a54877406dc231d95514e538bde9) and @prototux (https://github.com/wiecosystem/Bluetooth) for their initial code
Special thanks to [@ned-kelly](https://github.com/ned-kelly) for his help turning a "simple" python script into a fully fledged docker container
Thanks to [@bpaulin](https://github.com/bpaulin) for his PRs and collaboration