224 lines
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224 lines
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from math import floor
import sys
from body_scales import bodyScales
class bodyMetrics:
def __init__(self, weight, height, age, sex, impedance):
self.weight = weight
self.height = height
self.age = age
self.sex = sex
self.impedance = impedance
self.scales = bodyScales(age, height, sex, weight)
# Check for potential out of boundaries
if self.height > 220:
print("Height is too high (limit: >220cm) or scale is sleeping")
sys.stderr.write('Height is over 220cm\n')
elif weight < 10 or weight > 200:
print("Weight is either too low or too high (limits: <10kg and >200kg)")
sys.stderr.write('Weight is below 10kg or above 200kg\n')
elif age > 99:
print("Age is too high (limit >99 years)")
sys.stderr.write('Age is above 99 years\n')
elif impedance > 3000:
print("Impedance is above 3000 Ohm")
sys.stderr.write('Impedance is above 3000 Ohm\n')
# Set the value to a boundary if it overflows
def checkValueOverflow(self, value, minimum, maximum):
if value < minimum:
return minimum
elif value > maximum:
return maximum
return value
# Get LBM coefficient (with impedance)
def getLBMCoefficient(self):
lbm = (self.height * 9.058 / 100) * (self.height / 100)
lbm += self.weight * 0.32 + 12.226
lbm -= self.impedance * 0.0068
lbm -= self.age * 0.0542
return lbm
# Get BMR
def getBMR(self):
if self.sex == 'female':
bmr = 864.6 + self.weight * 10.2036
bmr -= self.height * 0.39336
bmr -= self.age * 6.204
bmr = 877.8 + self.weight * 14.916
bmr -= self.height * 0.726
bmr -= self.age * 8.976
# Capping
if self.sex == 'female' and bmr > 2996:
bmr = 5000
elif self.sex == 'male' and bmr > 2322:
bmr = 5000
return self.checkValueOverflow(bmr, 500, 10000)
# Get fat percentage
def getFatPercentage(self):
# Set a constant to remove from LBM
if self.sex == 'female' and self.age <= 49:
const = 9.25
elif self.sex == 'female' and self.age > 49:
const = 7.25
const = 0.8
# Calculate body fat percentage
LBM = self.getLBMCoefficient()
if self.sex == 'male' and self.weight < 61:
coefficient = 0.98
elif self.sex == 'female' and self.weight > 60:
coefficient = 0.96
if self.height > 160:
coefficient *= 1.03
elif self.sex == 'female' and self.weight < 50:
coefficient = 1.02
if self.height > 160:
coefficient *= 1.03
coefficient = 1.0
fatPercentage = (1.0 - (((LBM - const) * coefficient) / self.weight)) * 100
# Capping body fat percentage
if fatPercentage > 63:
fatPercentage = 75
return self.checkValueOverflow(fatPercentage, 5, 75)
# Get water percentage
def getWaterPercentage(self):
waterPercentage = (100 - self.getFatPercentage()) * 0.7
if (waterPercentage <= 50):
coefficient = 1.02
coefficient = 0.98
# Capping water percentage
if waterPercentage * coefficient >= 65:
waterPercentage = 75
return self.checkValueOverflow(waterPercentage * coefficient, 35, 75)
# Get bone mass
def getBoneMass(self):
if self.sex == 'female':
base = 0.245691014
base = 0.18016894
boneMass = (base - (self.getLBMCoefficient() * 0.05158)) * -1
if boneMass > 2.2:
boneMass += 0.1
boneMass -= 0.1
# Capping boneMass
if self.sex == 'female' and boneMass > 5.1:
boneMass = 8
elif self.sex == 'male' and boneMass > 5.2:
boneMass = 8
return self.checkValueOverflow(boneMass, 0.5 , 8)
# Get muscle mass
def getMuscleMass(self):
muscleMass = self.weight - ((self.getFatPercentage() * 0.01) * self.weight) - self.getBoneMass()
# Capping muscle mass
if self.sex == 'female' and muscleMass >= 84:
muscleMass = 120
elif self.sex == 'male' and muscleMass >= 93.5:
muscleMass = 120
return self.checkValueOverflow(muscleMass, 10 ,120)
# Get Visceral Fat
def getVisceralFat(self):
if self.sex == 'female':
if self.weight > (13 - (self.height * 0.5)) * -1:
subsubcalc = ((self.height * 1.45) + (self.height * 0.1158) * self.height) - 120
subcalc = self.weight * 500 / subsubcalc
vfal = (subcalc - 6) + (self.age * 0.07)
subcalc = 0.691 + (self.height * -0.0024) + (self.height * -0.0024)
vfal = (((self.height * 0.027) - (subcalc * self.weight)) * -1) + (self.age * 0.07) - self.age
if self.height < self.weight * 1.6:
subcalc = ((self.height * 0.4) - (self.height * (self.height * 0.0826))) * -1
vfal = ((self.weight * 305) / (subcalc + 48)) - 2.9 + (self.age * 0.15)
subcalc = 0.765 + self.height * -0.0015
vfal = (((self.height * 0.143) - (self.weight * subcalc)) * -1) + (self.age * 0.15) - 5.0
return self.checkValueOverflow(vfal, 1 ,50)
# Get BMI
def getBMI(self):
return self.checkValueOverflow(self.weight/((self.height/100)*(self.height/100)), 10, 90)
# Get ideal weight (just doing a reverse BMI, should be something better)
def getIdealWeight(self, orig=True):
# Uses mi fit algorithm (or holtek's one)
if orig and self.sex == 'female':
return (self.height - 70) * 0.6
elif orig and self.sex == 'male':
return (self.height - 80) * 0.7
return self.checkValueOverflow((22*self.height)*self.height/10000, 5.5, 198)
# Get fat mass to ideal (guessing mi fit formula)
def getFatMassToIdeal(self):
mass = (self.weight * (self.getFatPercentage() / 100)) - (self.weight * (self.scales.getFatPercentageScale()[2] / 100))
if mass < 0:
return {'type': 'to_gain', 'mass': mass*-1}
return {'type': 'to_lose', 'mass': mass}
# Get protetin percentage (warn: guessed formula)
def getProteinPercentage(self, orig=True):
# Use original algorithm from mi fit (or legacy guess one)
if orig:
proteinPercentage = (self.getMuscleMass() / self.weight) * 100
proteinPercentage -= self.getWaterPercentage()
proteinPercentage = 100 - (floor(self.getFatPercentage() * 100) / 100)
proteinPercentage -= floor(self.getWaterPercentage() * 100) / 100
proteinPercentage -= floor((self.getBoneMass()/self.weight*100) * 100) / 100
return self.checkValueOverflow(proteinPercentage, 5, 32)
# Get body type (out of nine possible)
def getBodyType(self):
if self.getFatPercentage() > self.scales.getFatPercentageScale()[2]:
factor = 0
elif self.getFatPercentage() < self.scales.getFatPercentageScale()[1]:
factor = 2
factor = 1
if self.getMuscleMass() > self.scales.getMuscleMassScale()[1]:
return 2 + (factor * 3)
elif self.getMuscleMass() < self.scales.getMuscleMassScale()[0]:
return (factor * 3)
return 1 + (factor * 3)
# Get Metabolic Age
def getMetabolicAge(self):
if self.sex == 'female':
metabolicAge = (self.height * -1.1165) + (self.weight * 1.5784) + (self.age * 0.4615) + (self.impedance * 0.0415) + 83.2548
metabolicAge = (self.height * -0.7471) + (self.weight * 0.9161) + (self.age * 0.4184) + (self.impedance * 0.0517) + 54.2267
return self.checkValueOverflow(metabolicAge, 15, 80)